Service within the church walls
Sunday School
Contemporary Issues Classes meet each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. (except in summer)
Other Sunday School Classes meet each Sunday morning at 10 a.m.
Worship service is at 11 a.m.
- Awana
- Men’s Bible Class
- Nursery
Music Ministry
The Farmville Presbyterian Adult Choir performs anthems from a variety of choral styles during morning worship. The church offers Choral Scholar honoraria to Longwood University music students who participate as section leaders, soloists, and occasional instrumentalists. Choir rehearsals are held every Wednesday evening at 7 pm. New choir members are always welcomed.
Wilkes Lakes Service: Date TBA
Pentecost Service @ Farmville Farmers Market Date TBA
Fellowship Committee and Fellowship Dinners:
- Sunday School
- Lessons in Carols
- Christmas Breakfast
- Superbowl Sunday
Service beyond the walls
Local Mission Work:
- Meals on Wheels
- Free Clinic
- School food distribution
- Choral Scholars Program through Longwood
Financial Support and Hospitality for other Non-profit organizations
- Habitat for Humanity
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Alcoholics Anonymous
Contact FarmPresOffice@gmail.com to use the fellowship hall for your organization!
Outreach Ministries
Dial-a-Devotion shares a new devotion each day with all who dial (434) 392-8111. This is provided through church volunteers. To participate in this ministry please contact the church at 434-392-4243.